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MT last won the day on November 12 2024

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917 God of Karma

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About MT

  • Rank
    Power Overwhelming
  • Birthday 07/01/1981

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    Huntington Beach, California
  • Aliases
    Emtee, Majin Trunks

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  1. MT

    Today's Birthdays - Rulkster

    Happy birthday, cup thief
  2. MT

    Completed Games 2024

    1. Metroid: Zero Mission 1a. Metroid Fusion 1b. (SNES) Super Metroid 2. Metroid Dread 3. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor 4. (NES) Mega Man 2 5. Super Mario World (96 Exits) 6. Super Metroid (100%) 7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (100%) 8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 9. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (Normal Mode) 9a. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (Hero Mode) 10. Dragon Age: The Veilguard My first Dragon Age game, and I ended up liking it more than I expected I would. I was hankering for a Bioware style RPG to play (and was considering restarting Mass Effect) so this came along at the right time. People say the writing is bad, and I honestly didn't get that feeling. Maybe it wasn't as deep as it could've been considering some of the topics they bring up through the companion characters? I dunno. I think I ended the game with around 35 hours put into it. The main thing I didn't like was that the last 5 hours or so was me just doing side quests so that the various factions would be in good enough standing to not die during the final mission, which I wasn't a huge fan of. I do however, wish that I had realized sooner that selling your valuables to the various marketplaces would give you standing points as well. I was at the usual "point of no return" mission, so I went to sell all my valuable stuff to one vendor and it gave me something like 2000 points towards their standing, so I went back to an earlier save and spread it out a bit more evenly. I was able to get most up to level 2 (out of 3), and two of them up to level 3. There were still side quests I could've done, but at that point I was ready for the game to be over with. The only other thing that bothered me was (point of no return mission spoilers)
  3. MT

    Famous Deaths

    Tony Todd dies at age 69 His name might not be one you recognize, but I'm sure you've seen him in a lot of stuff
  4. MT

    Completed Games 2024

    1. Metroid: Zero Mission 1a. Metroid Fusion 1b. (SNES) Super Metroid 2. Metroid Dread 3. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor 4. (NES) Mega Man 2 5. Super Mario World (96 Exits) 6. Super Metroid (100%) 7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (100%) 8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 9. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (Normal Mode) 9a. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom (Hero Mode)
  5. MT

    Today's Birthdays - Gardenstaff

    Also, happy birthday!
  6. MT

    Completed Games 2024

    I got it on Wednesday, started playing late that night. I'd say 10-15 hours, just mainlining through the story. Don't know for sure since the Switch won't tell me yet.
  7. MT

    Completed Games 2024

    1. Metroid: Zero Mission 1a. Metroid Fusion 1b. (SNES) Super Metroid 2. Metroid Dread 3. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor 4. (NES) Mega Man 2 5. Super Mario World (96 Exits) 6. Super Metroid (100%) 7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (100%) 8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 9. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom A great game from beginning to end, if a bit easy. It's cool to see the creative freedom given in the last 3D games carry over into the 2D ones. Loved the art style, glad it got used in more than just the Link's Awakening remake. I may go through it again on the harder difficulty.
  8. MT

    Completed Games 2024

    1. Metroid: Zero Mission 1a. Metroid Fusion 1b. (SNES) Super Metroid 2. Metroid Dread 3. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor 4. (NES) Mega Man 2 5. Super Mario World (96 Exits) 6. Super Metroid (100%) 7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (100%) 8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Been on a bit of a retro kick after getting that CRT upgrade. I don't think i've gotten 96 exits on SMW since 1992. I'd never 100% completed Super Metroid before, so I figured i'd give that one a shot. It's been a long time since i've 100%'d LttP, but it was time for another go round. We also recently re-hooked up my Wii U, so I figured i'd play through Twilight Princess again. Still not a huge fan of that game, but I like it better now than I did the last two times I played it, however long ago that was.
  9. MT

    Last Movie Watched

    Godzilla Minus One Outside of the first American Godzilla back in the early 2000s, i'd never seen a Godzilla movie before. I quite liked this one, more than I thought I would
  10. MT

    Famous Deaths

    James Earl Jones passes away at age 93
  11. MT

    AEW General

    It's my own fault for not completely avoiding social media, but it still sucks. I even tried to cover up most of my Instagram feed to not get spoiled, and the one area my hand wasn't covering had a spoiler for the main event. And yeah, Christian getting a title shot and failing at winning is fine, the Luchasaurus fakeout was just fucking dumb
  12. MT

    AEW General

    I had both of those spoiled for me so I didn't enjoy them as much as I could've. Both were great though, and I can tell if I hadn't had them spoiled I would've loved the hell out of 'em. The only match result I hated was the Casino Gauntlet, they need to fucking pull that face turn for Luchasaurus already.
  13. MT

    Last Movie Watched

    Rite Here Rite Now (2024) Basically a concert film for the band Ghost on their most recent tour. It was shot over two shows in LA (that i'm really bummed I didn't get to go to after watching this) with a bit of extra band lore thrown in.
  14. MT

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Found out earlier that the job might be a scam. A friend of mine linked me to a reddit post where a bunch of other people had similar stories to mine. Same company, same name on the e-mail, they got contacted by a secondary company of the same name (different business name from the first company, I mean the two companies I got contacted by were the same two they got contacted by) from the same e-mail address. The whole thing has been a bit odd, as I never spoke to an actual person outside of e-mails. No phone interview, no video interview, nothing. I think the idea that I may have an actual job lined up after looking for over a year had me blinded to the possibility of it not being true.