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Everything posted by MT

  1. MT

    Marvel General

    I'm well aware, thank you.
  2. MT

    Marvel General

    X-Men not coming any time soon Also, why is the DC TV topic pinned, but not this one...or any of those for that matter?
  3. MT

    AEW General

    For anyone that doesn't know, for the last few years, one of the major fighting game tournaments out in Florid has been doing wrestling cross-overs (the guy running the event is a huge wrestling fan). Last few years it's been with New Japan, this year it's with AEW. With that said, Kenny Omega has announced the exclusive FyterFest. Unfortunately, all ticket packages are sold out except the most expensive one. Which sucks, because I was really looking forward to that gourmet cheese sandwich.
  4. MT

    WWE General

    See, the whole thing could've easily been avoided if
  5. MT

    Co-op partner requests

    Because I hear it from web. How much I play isn't the point, anyway.
  6. Maybe I just don't get into the games the way you do, but I never felt disconnected from Venom Snake while listening to the tapes. I also didn't have to stop playing the game to listen to a lot of those tapes, I did it while fucking around in the open world. I do get the point you're trying to make though, but I don't feel like it's as ruinous to the game as you do. Difference of opinion, I guess.
  7. MT

    WWE General

    Post-Raw goodbye from Dean Ambrose
  8. MT

    Co-op partner requests

    Says the guy who's usually too busy playing with his comp teammates
  9. MT

    WWE General

  10. MT

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Had some dude at one of my delivery stops get mad at me because I didn't know I wasn't allowed to go past his desk. I had a delivery for the second floor, saw him sitting there on the first floor, and thought maybe the elevators were behind him, but no. He stops me and damn near yells at me, like i'm supposed to fucking guess he signs for all packages when it's my first time being there. This is literally the only building i've delivered to in 17 years where this was how it's done, outside of maybe an apartment complex, and i'm supposed to just assume this one is special and different? Had another guy practically ignore me. Went to the shipping/receiving area, saw one guy in there and told him I had a delivery. He just points at the desk behind him and then says nothing else to me, and just walk out of the room. Didn't bother to say he couldn't sign for things, or that he doesn't work in that department, nope. He just walks the fuck out. Other than that my day's been pretty normal.
  11. I fail to see how adding an easier difficulty compromises anything, except maybe pushing the release date back. It's not removing the default difficulty.
  12. An easier difficulty is also a way of easing new players into the genre. Who's to say that someone wouldn't beat a game like Dark Souls 2 on an easier difficulty and then want to try a harder one after the fact?
  13. I never got the "this doesn't feel like MGS" feeling when I played the game. It is a bit of a departure from the others for sure, but like Psycho666Soldier said, it just took MGS and put it into a real open world. My main complaint about 5 is that it was never truly finished, and never will be either thanks to Konami fucking things up.
  14. How do you know it's no challenge to them? If it's someone who's never played a game of that type of difficulty, an easier difficulty may be just as tough for them as the normal difficulty may be for you.
  15. MT

    Terrible Covers

    Heard this song in another video earlier and OH MY GOD is it fucking terrible. Holy shit.
  16. MT

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    My day was boring, and full of wrestling. Texted a girl I went out with a few months ago, she's currently recovering from surgery, but hopefully her and I can hang out again in the relative future.
  17. MT

    Wrestle MAN ia

    Main event spoiler
  18. MT


    Pitbulls are only vicious because they were trained/raised to be, just like any other dog.
  19. MT

    Wrestle MAN ia

  20. MGS1 is the game that got me interested in the series, and the one i've beaten the most. Never played Peace Walker, and it's pretty much pointless in the overall MGS canon.
  21. MT

    Boneworks Gameplay Trailer

    What controllers are they using? Edit: This looks really awesome. Makes me sad I don't have the space for it. Maybe it'll come to Oculus Quest...
  22. While I completely agree, I don't think the option of an easier difficulty negates that in any way. Having that option for less skilled players in no way effects (affects?) the people that don't want any of that. I'm all for turning the difficulty down in a game like Sekiro because I think that world is super interesting, and what little story i've encountered already is enough to make me want to keep playing, but if it just gets to a point where i'm dying constantly and getting zero fun out of it, i'm going to stop playing and never go back.
  23. Well, hearing a game is super difficult would potentially turn off people interested in a game for other reasons, like style or story or whatnot. It seems odd to me to limit a game to a specific set of people, and potentially alienate the chance of growing the audience for said game. Like, if Sekiro was my first Souls style game, and it was too hard so I just gave up and was never interested in even trying other games in the series, isn't that a bad thing? There's nothing saying I need to play every game out there or anything like that, but there's potential for a game finding a new audience with people who might not normally give it a go. Who's to say someone playing through a game like this on Easy doesn't make that person want to try it again on a harder difficulty? Or for them to give the next game of a similar style a go at the normal difficulty? The player is responsible for how they choose to experience a game. If they want to have an easier time of it, what's the issue? Having the option to make a game easier doesn't run it for anyone else, normal mode is still there.
  24. I don't mean making them easier in general, I mean having the original difficulty, but then a way to lower it somehow. You can still play the game the way the developers intended, and for anyone who doesn't give a shit and just wants to play the game, there's a way around that.
  25. MT

    NJPW General
