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Everything posted by Tassifox

  1. My condolences to your wife and the family. I hope it wasn't too painful for him. Mom's been texting me today and apparently my grandma on her side and the rest of the residents in her home are on big time monitoring because a couple of their staff have tested positive. She's in her own room now vs having a room mate which, yay she gets some peace and quiet but she's been a bit more confused on a couple things. Word is we're supposed to be getting vaccines in WA state between the 14th and the end of the month. I hope it's true.
  2. Yup, exactly that style of thing. Our only issue we seem to have is reading the temps for some staff, like coming up slightly lower than normal like 94ish or so. Or if you have thick bangs it won't read the forehead so one of our baggers I was holding his up to show him how to use it and the photo had my hand in the shot. XD
  3. Tassifox

    Winter Anime 2021

    One that started that it cute and light is Toutostu ni Egypt Kami. Basically Chibi Egyptian gods, in animal form, doing their daily things. Another one that's still in Fall season anime that's a cute distraction is Maoujou de Ouyasumi, which is about a princess who got kidnapped by a demon king and she spends her captivity trying to get a decent sleep in the castle. So she goes on mini quests to make the perfect pillow or comfy sheets etc and basically has the whole demon castle under her whim unintentionally. It's super cute and silly for lighter stuff.
  4. Latest update on holiday restrictions. Which is no surprise. Soooooooooo being done with people. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/gov-inslee-extends-covid-19-restrictions-on-gatherings-restaurants-gyms-to-jan-4/ On a side note we have a new device at work for screening when we clock on. Just a podium that we or a vendor press a button, agree/disagree whether we are feeling any said symptoms, then line up with the camera and sensors so that it takes our body temp and confirms we're wearing a mask. Takes a photo when we clear it and prints it on a sticker to wear on us when we start our shift. Pretty simple and I kinda like having something to prove to me and customers that our staff are being safe as we can be.
  5. Tassifox

    Winter Anime 2021

    I have a feeling that one is just gonna be cute chibi rando stuff since that's a popular genre that people tend to watch. If it has nothing tying it to what might be good to know with the other series not bothering. I want to like it. And parts of it I do. I think it's some of the extreme reactions or goku like abilities some of these characters have is what's dislodging me. I'm not sure. I know I'm going to watch second season because I wanna see this fucking throw down they've been preparing for! I'm just fifty fifty on the show overall.
  6. Tassifox

    Holiday Card Xchange

  7. Tassifox

    Winter Anime 2021

    Well we have 24 eps of Higurashi to do and we're only at 10 soon to be 11 eps here sooooo yup. Set there. I think I'm one of the few who have time to watch any of this shit because I'm holed up at home with nothing really. Idk how I'll feel about continuing Dr. Stone because I love the premise and science of it but meeeeeh on other stuff. So we'll see.
  8. Tassifox

    Fall Anime 2020

  9. Tassifox

    Holiday Card Xchange

    I've still got a couple of xtra cards if anyone would like to get one here.
  10. Tassifox

    Lovecraft Country

    Binged the whole thing and was done with it around midnight yesterday. HOLY FUCK
  11. Tassifox

    Last TV Show You Binged

    Moved onto Penny Dreadful: City of Angels next since I've been dying to see that next and I love the choice of cast already.
  12. Tassifox

    Last TV Show You Binged

    Agreed on the ending of iZombie, it was definitely hitting that meh phase I hate when it starts out strong. Up to ep 2 of S2 of His Dark Materials Watched S1 of The Spanish Princess and may do S2 if I have time. Catching up on Westworld now with S2 but so much it kinda all over the place with this mind fuck now that I dunno if I'll move onto S3. Thinking of watching Lovecraft Country next.
  13. Tassifox

    Started Hellsing...

    Now are we watching the stupid TV series or the way better story Hellsing Ultimate that's to the manga? Because if it's the first, then burn it.
  14. Tassifox

    Last TV Show You Binged

    On the last ep of His Dark Materials S1 since Flex is doing a free TV week promo and so some apps I'm getting for free through the 30th. Including HBO Max. So whee!
  15. Tassifox

    Fall Anime 2020

    Fire Force 21
  16. I get the dread. If everyone from your family has been being safe and isolating, plus not all cooking together and whatever other precautions you all take before and during dinner I hope it works out okay for ya. I should talk with my mom about possibly doing a window visit if they're still doing it with this weather for my grandmother since we won't be doing Christmas this year. I had today off (thank the fucking gods) and we still have TP and stuff when I left yesterday morning and it was load day. And it was pretty quiet for the most part until near the end of my shift around 11a so hopefully people are actually trying to listen to this lockdown a bit. I work through the next 4 days and have 1 day off the day before Tday so let's hope it's decent. Also I've heard from friends that have bought bidets the first round earlier this year that it was best investment they've made.
  17. Tassifox

    Fall Anime 2020

    Higurashi 8
  18. Work was actually kinda okay yesterday. Friday was the worst of it from what I told some of you folks on Discord. Sat and Sunday were a notch less circus shit and just busy af but with a couple people willing to come in early and a football game it made it tolerable. We had our limits posted at the checkout and the aisles from Friday night and I was shocked that most people were behaving about them (especially the TP) and we still had plenty of wipes and stuff when I left around 4pm yesterday. Meanwhile I'm seeing in my feed how surely enough everywhere else had run out in no time, like wtf are other places just not enforcing them like they should?/Didn't get a load when it happened?/Or just that many panic shoppers? I seriously don't get it when again, we're not that big hard core lock down this time. Legit the only 2 things that heavily are supposed to effect in this 4wk lockdown is food places not having indoor dining and people can't have big groups for fucking Thanksgiving. And if you are going to have people over not in your household, keep it to five people and make sure they quarantined for 14 days or had a negative results 72 hours before that. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.
  19. Pfft that is the ONLY thing I think that was stupid to do only because unless you have someone stationed at each end of every aisle or rope it off in a way to make them go one way like fucking Ikea. It ain't going to be followed. Fuck even I can't follow it when I have Scan Maintenance shifts because of the order I have to go when pulling old tags off and putting up new ones. We had some customers that would rage during first lock down, had to peel off the arrows at one point when our floors were getting waxed. Then put new arrows and other stickers on and most of them have ripped up on their own accord so pretty pointless now. Some people try to be honest about it though, but then like Nelle said, you have the folks that are totally unaware about space and personal bubbles. So loss loss situation there.
  20. We've had to do the occupancy thing before so we have an electric counter that we had a courtesy clerk stand by the doors and count with while sanitizing carts that come back in. It wasn't too much issue last time but I think the only difference will be that it is the holidays so we may have some issues. If so that's what the store director is for. Oddly enough people were actually behaving with the limits we already had posted since Friday so unlike everywhere else, we still had shit in stock. So hopefully today will be the same. We also still have all of our new hires that we hired the first lockdown so we're checking in with them to see if the new lockdown effects them. (Like hair salons and what not can still be open unlike last time it's just restaurants, bars, and that sort that have to close their dine in areas and to delivery or to go) The funny thing is this isn't a full ass lockdown like last time. It's a mini version to keep people from being assholes during the holidays. Whether people won't have big turkey dinner gatherings will be the main thing. If it doesn't work this will probably be extended through Christmas instead of just the 14th of Dec.
  21. I always joke about how this is why I'm never going to be a manager there because my patience for the ignorant and stupid keeps thinning like a moon phase and it's not enough pay for that BS. But this is definitely a main reason, and if I ever did become one it would be the final push to getting fired because I'd finally lose the last of my filter at 1 dumbass and be fired. So much of this is frustrating that people really are willing to let others die because they can't go to the fucking movies or that their lives are "on hold because of the flu". My normal vices to help me destress are cut off from me (not talking about the faires but just the few face to face hang out with friends over watching movies at their place and just being in the moment) is taking a huge toll on me mentally. I had to call my best friend to vent about work because I wanted to hear a fucking voice and not just read texts and I could hear my own voice breaking trying to talk and not break down crying. I'm trying not to chew out my room mate over every little thing at home from being pent up at home. I can't fucking remember the last time I got to physically touch and hug my parents since the beginning of this year. All because of all these fucking asshats.
  22. Yup, I was right. One of my managers has a BF who works for Costco and his work got an email stating that our Gov and the president of the Washington Food Industry Association met up regarding the new restrictions for the holidays. * All indoor gatherings are prohibited, which they don't know how that's going to be enforced just yet. * All restaurants and bars dine in areas are to be closed, outdoor service is limited to five people and to go orders can continue. * All delis and salad bars will be to go only, no indoor seating allowed for those that are in stores. * Our Gov will be updating guidance on mask restrictions, which will clearly indicate that stores and other customer facing businesses will have a choice to restrict all non mask wearers in the store and provide other options for providing food and essential products. * Occupancy in all retail will be limited to twenty five percent for all grocery and convenience stores. They expect this to take effect Monday, which means it's either been announced my our Gov out in media or will soon tomorrow. So probably still going to have issues with non mask wearers in my work that we're already having. And people are going to be even more angry and hate our Gov for those that already hate him and tried to vote against him in this election. If I die of kidney failure from drinking my stress away it was great knowing you guys. edit: Announcement goes live tomorrow morning. https://www.king5.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/governor-jay-inslee-washington-state-new-restrictions-covid-19-coronavirus-spread/281-6aa36caa-8201-43ff-94de-127737049b8a
  23. We almost had a fight happen in the check out yesterday from someone not wearing a mask and claiming they "had a medical reason" for not wearing it. My manager was able to diffuse it quickly but I can tell this is going to get ugly fast if it keeps up in the next couple weeks. My work's CORP is not enforcing kicking people out for not having a mask even if they claim that, we have to let it go and not press the matter. If it gets to a point of calling my Store Director, then she handles it. Otherwise "customer service all the fucking way as always". We also got mad rushed yesterday that reminded me of how the first round went before hard lockdown. I left around 4pm last night and the lines were long af. When I came in this morning and glanced at the registers and some of the aisles I saw that there was an email sent with a list of items we're limiting again ahead of things so it's only a matter of time before our Gov will have us shut down or have different restrictions this time. Right now all he's done is make a report with his wife to encourage people to keep celebrations to within the household, follow other guidelines if you do have a gathering, wash hands etc. trying to let people do their thing if they can else he's going to make the hard calls again. This is so fucking stupid that people just can't fucking listen.
  24. I legit forgot how much they used for censoring in sounds and images and I died laughing. Then i realized how much this has aged to where this could one day be our future history if some things were to pass
  25. Tassifox

    Holiday Card Xchange

    Sent it to you on Discord. I know Web has sent it a few times over the years so I didn't want to tag him when I didn't know who all still had it and who didn't. Anyone else on here who is interested in sending or receiving and don't have access to Address link. Poke at me and/or Web and shall send it.