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Everything posted by Anelle

  1. Anelle

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    Yes, for sure! Keep them spoiler tags goin' also
  2. Anelle

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    update because I don't think he'll remember to come post it himself: Lee said a million dollars
  3. Anelle

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

  4. Anelle

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    ma i will give you 1000
  5. Anelle


    ngl i miss caturday and lol cats LUCKILY THERE'S STILL A WEBSITE DEVOTED TO IT
  6. Anelle

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    like i'm talking a billion fuckin' dollars. I mean I'd probably realistically go a lot lower than that but I would need money that means I am so busy doing shit like running my shiny new wildlife center and changing my community that I never think of GoT again. I get reeeeeeeeeeeal hung up on stuff. Coming up with an amount is hard, because I'm just like well fuck, sure give me a billion but I honestly don't know what smaller range would do it. To be fair, the being hung up on never knowing probably skews more towards autism than how much I truly love this series but I really really love this series
  7. Anelle

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    oh shit dude it would take WAY more than that for me. Like a WHOLE LOT more. I think Lee's answer would be different but he's helping someone with a fence right now but i'm gonna bug the shit outta him to answer when he gets back because now i'm curious about that X3
  8. Anelle

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    BUT THE STORIES ARE DIFFERENT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I dunno man. Shit, that's hard. Like, I'd say some ridiculous number but I know how much I've invested in enjoying watching this all unfold and I cling to shit so.... would it ever stop nagging me? What about you? What amount would it take?
  9. Anelle

    Game of Thrones [SPOILERS]

    Do I still get to read the books?
  10. Anelle

    Nintendo General

    time to get the upcoming Fire Emblem for Switch or perish
  11. Anelle

    Nintendo General

    man me and the DS lines had a good run
  12. Anelle

    Avengers: Endgame [SPOILERS]

    *pounds fists on desk* FAT THOR FAT THOR FAT THOR FAT THOR
  13. Anelle

    Nintendo General

    I loved the GC one! I agree 100% with what you said about the gameplay and atmosphere, it was clunkers but just had such a nice feel that I spent a lot of time on it!
  14. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Thanks y'all ?? Support like this means a whole lot. Gives me courage.
  15. It's up to you what your outer shell would be too I guess. Would you be plastic? Chocolate? Faberge?
  16. Anelle

    Nintendo General

    yeah my impression was that they can hook up to the tv they just are a fused set like... you can't take off joycons and play type thing
  17. Anelle

    Nintendo General

  18. Anelle

    Nintendo General

    FUCK YEAAAAAAH i fucking partied when I saw the announcement because I was just sure licensing issues would keep it from getting a Western release yessssssssssss
  19. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    Still waiting on that, they said doc should have results within 24 hours but the way the pain clinic runs i might not hear back until next week. I suppose "best" case scenario would be them deeming whatever's going on in there a candidate for surgery (in the past they've flat out said no, they don't want to do surgery on me for a myriad of reasons that boil down to it not really being worth it at that stage) but then again if that's the case I'm fucking terrified of having that done so whatever guess I'll fuckin' die I dunno I won't go too sad sack on here, but I'm stressed lol
  20. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    lol nah the MRI was for me and my fucked up spine sorry for the confusion
  21. Anelle

    The Squirmy Puppy Pub

    I've had a doozy of a day. Had to go in for an MRI, had an anxiety attack during, so that was cool. Lived through that. Little Steel still isn't eating on her own and I'm having to face the fact that it's looking like she has MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease) which is a huge blow, because I was given her and told she was just undernourished but MBD is pretty serious and potentially devastating to the opossum. I'm such an anxious wreck today that I've lost it over this lil baby so gotta get some sleep and come at this potential development with more courage tomorrow.
  22. Anelle

    Hey so like...

    you can spend hours on twitter and still post here i am living proof
  23. Anelle

    Pet Time Party

    awww little Butt Slug Harvest! Everyone, rejoice! Today is Poopcat's 10th birthday!