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dr. b

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Everything posted by dr. b

  1. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Read a few DB Super chapters last night. Kinda funny seeing Vegeta step up and want to protect the Namekians. Almost seems out of character. But Vegeta has experienced quite a bit of character growth through Super, so I guess it is more fitting when you take the rest of Super into account. Of course then he pulls a classic Vegeta and takes on an enemy he knows very little about, just assuming he will beat him no problem I'm glad he is still consistent in that regard.
  2. dr. b

    Spring Anime 2021

    That was another favourite moment of mine in this episode -- the smile in the mirror.
  3. dr. b

    Spring Anime 2021

    Super Cub is such a feel good show. Just what I needed after a really crummy day. “Take that.”
  4. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Dr. Stone - Finished chapter 100 yesterday. I am very curious about "Why-man" and what they are going to encounter on the Treasure Island. I hope the next story arc is fun. When reading this, I'm trying to turn off the part of my brain that takes exception with Dr. Stone, because it is a comic after all... I think what irks me is there is all this science talk, like there is a realistic, scientific basis for all of the stuff Senku does, but at the same time some things seem so incredibly unrealistic. It's a bit of a disconnect. The science stuff can be interesting and all, but I think I'd rather get rid of that element and just make it unrealistic and fantastical. In any case, I guess I'll enjoy it more if I overlook the science-y stuff I also started reading the DB Super manga last night on a lark. I think I started at chapter 42, somewhere around there, I looked it up on a wiki. After the tournament with all of the other universes (the manga just glosses over the Broly movie). Goku and Vegeta are joining the Galactic Patrol. Might be fun! I don't know if/when more anime is planned... so I'll just take in the manga and be happy with that.
  5. dr. b

    Spring Anime 2021

    Episode #4 of Odd Taxi might be my favourite episode of any show so far this season. Odd Taxi is weird and a bit slow paced - not for everybody, I guess - but I think it’s worth a look. I really like the atmosphere of it. Just watch this episode and see if you like it. It’s kinda depressing though FYI.
  6. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    Well I am I officially caught up Only a few days until the next chapter. What’s gonna happen on the boat
  7. dr. b

    Fruits Basket

    Oof. That was a pretty heavy episode. It ended on a happier note though!
  8. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    That threw me off a bit too, I really don't remember Chrome being like that in the anime I don't totally dislike it, but it does strike me as a bit dumb. Chrome can be a bit of a dopey character though, I guess... Thanks for the insight re: Gen's Pig Latin as well. That makes sense. I'm glad they chose to do something with it instead of just discarding it. Pig Latin is fun. I would have gone for Egg Latin, that would be hilarious... but I guess also harder to read
  9. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Speaking of Dr. Stone -- I read a few chapters when I couldn't sleep last night, I think I went from... 84? (wherever it was you told me to start from) through to the end of 90. A lot happened in just a few chapters. I like how ambitious they're being, deciding to build a ship to set off sailing across the ocean, and promptly moving on to trying to find oil and building a hot air balloon to facilitate finding the oil. The loom they made for Yuzuriha was pretty rad too. One minor detail that kinda fascinates me a bit is that sometimes Gen speaks in Pig Latin..? I don't recall that ever coming through in the subtitles of the anime. It seems so random, but I like it. It does leave me wondering though, does Pig Latin work in Japanese..? Like, how are those bits of text written originally in the manga. I can't understand a lick of Japanese, much less read it, so I'm not gonna go down that rabbit hole anytime soon... but it's occupying a tiny bit of space in the back of my mind....
  10. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    This is basically what I like best about this story in a nutshell. It's really fun watching Loid and Yor (and secondary characters like Yuri and other spies) trying to go about their business while also keeping their secrets from the other people. It's extra fun that Anya is in on all of it due to her special power. This dynamic reminds me a little bit of Cat's Eye (Hitomi being a member of Cat's, while her boyfriend Toshio, the detective who is always failing to catch Cat's, is completely clueless).
  11. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    If @webhead would just hand over the nuclear codes and make me an admin already then I would have offered to take care of it
  12. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    Chapter 35 - Drunk Yor is the best
  13. dr. b

    [Manga Chat]

    Can you split the posts about Spy x Family in this thread into a new one..?
  14. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    I like how this turned into a tennis manga for a few chapters. Don’t try to return Yor’s serve!
  15. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    Yep that’s the guy Pretty crummy spy
  16. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    Spy x Family: The chapters with Daybreak and George Glooman were fun
  17. dr. b

    Spring Anime 2021

    Vivy continues to impress, I’m already excited for next week!
  18. dr. b

    Spring Anime 2021

    Shadows House — I still think Mia is pretty sus Those were just the shadow’s emotions. Sure. The phantoms and soot sickness were pretty damn creepy.
  19. dr. b

    Spring Anime 2021

    TWEWY makes me want to watch more anime adaptions of RPGs. I hardly ever have time to play games anymore.
  20. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    I read up to chapter 23 of Spy x Family this evening. Some random thoughts... I love a good dodgeball match! I was secretly hoping that Anya would somehow singlehandedly win the whole thing, but it was probably better that she didn’t. Oh well, she got her first star not long after that. The extra mission chapter, 15.1 IIRC, where Loid and Yor go on a date and Anya and Scruffy tail them was great The whole dog bombers thing was good. Loved the panel where Yor is spinning in mid air, just about to wreck the dude who was threatening Anya Yor reminds me a bit of Mikasa. The dog is cool
  21. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    Read a couple more chapters while I was eating lunch... Yuri's first encounter with Loid was funny, especially drunk Yor giving Yuri a beatdown
  22. Get a some OJ and a bottle of sparkling wine, mimosas are what I would prescribe in this case. Also a shot of scotch before bedtime won't hurt.
  23. dr. b

    Spy X Family

    I got to chapter 11 last night. The part where Anya drilled the Desmond kid right in the face was perhaps the most satisfying thing so far for me Take that, shithead Of course, now he's probably got a thing for her because she actually stood up to him...
  24. dr. b

    Spring Anime 2021

    Super Cub is such a feel-good show
  25. I don’t think the A’s will keep this up. But they have a knack for putting good teams together out of spare parts.